A downloadable game for Windows

What happens after death? What do you see when you are in a coma?
Jane, 22 Years old, currently lying in a Hospital bed. Last night Jane was hit by a drunken driver. She's now in a coma and her condition is still critical.

But what no one would ever imagine is what Jane is really going through.
In front of Jane, a black hooded skeleton appears.

"I am Death! You, on the verge of eternal sleep, have one last chance to save your soul. Every soul has a Soullight  which shines bright over all beings. Once on the verge of death it starts to extinguish... and you end up here...

But there is still a chance.... Find me in hell and defeat me.
Only if you do this will your Soullight recover enough that you can return to your body. But beware... On the way to hell there are ghosts of those who failed and demons who protect hell."

Death turns around and merges with the darkness...

Will Jane be strong enough to recover her Soullight? To keep it alive?


Soullightv1.zip 42 MB